Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Origin of the Name In the World Information Technology

1. Adobe
Derived from the word "Adobe Creek" is taken from a river behind the house of founder John Warnock.

2. Apache
The name is derived when its founders to apply the patch to the program code written for NCSA http daemon and the result is "A Patchy" server and then became the apache server.

3. Apple Computers
This name was created when steve was eating apple and gave an Apple Computer company name, it is mainly because there is no single staff who can provide the company name he also gave the company name is up to him.

4. Corel
The name comes from the name of the inventor of Dr. Michael Cowpland.
Corel itself stands Cowpland Research Laboratory.

5. Delphi
The name comes from the name of a city in ancient Greece.

6. Fedora
The name is taken from the type of hat (fedora) worn by men in the Red Hat logo.

7. FreeBSD
The name comes from the acronym for Berkeley Software Distribution.
FreeBSD is the brother of BSD distributions.

8. Firewall
The name comes from a wall that is used by Bomba troops to stop the fire so as not meyebar.

9. Google
The name comes from a joke about the amount of information that can be searched by search engines.
The term is meant is 'Googola', which means the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The inventor of Sergey Brin and Larry Page at the time this project was giving a presentation to investors, they then managed to get funds in check form, addressed to 'Google'.

10. GNU
The name is derived from a species of African antelope and also because the name is suitable for a recursive acronym for 'GNU's Not Unix'.

11. Hotmail
This name originated when Jack Smith got the idea that all people can access email via the web from any computer in the world.
Then Sabeer Bhatia made a business plan that is engaged in mail service and she tried to give the business name ending in 'mail' behind him and that his idea didapatlah hotmail name comes from a web programming language 'HTML' (Hotmail).

12. Internet
The name comes from the Inter-networking acronym meaning International network.

13. Intel
The name comes from the abbreviation INTegrated ELectronics (INTEL).

14. Java
The name comes from the name that a lot of coffee drunk by the Java programmer.

15. Microsoft
The name comes from the abbreviation MICROcomputer SOFTware.

16. Mozilla
The name comes from the abbreviation Mosaic-Killer, Godzilla (Mozilla).

17. Pascal
The name comes from Blaise Pascal, a mathematician and philosophy of the French (17th century).

18. SUN
The name comes from the acronym for Stanford University Network because it was found by 4 students from Stanford University.

19. Ubuntu
The name comes from an African word meaning 'humanity to all' or 'I was shaped by us all'.

20. Yahoo
This name was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book "Gulliver's Travels" as meaning a person who is repulsive and acts not like a human.