Friday, April 29, 2011

10 Best Internet Browser

1. Firefox
Mozilla Firefox (originally named Phoenix and then for a moment known as Mozilla Firebird) is a web browser for free cross-platform developed by the Mozilla Foundation and hundreds of volunteers.
Version 3.0 was released on June 17, 2008.

2. Google Chrome
Google Chrome is an open source web browser developed by Google using the WebKit rendering engine.
Open-source project called Chromium own.

3. Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer, abbreviated IE or MSIE, is a proprietary web browser for free from Microsoft.

4. Opera
Opera is a web browser and Internet software packages cross-platform.
Opera consists of a collection of software for the Internet such as web browsers, as well as software to read and send electronic mail.

5. Safari
Safari is a web browser made by Apple Inc. which was originally intended specifically for Mac OS operating system.
Safari bundled with Mac OS X and is the default browser in the operating system since Mac OS X v10.3.

6. Maxthon
Maxthon is a browser that uses IE's engine, Trident, and 100% compatible with IE, coupled with the various features that are not owned by IE.

7. Flock
Flock is a web browser that specializes in providing social networking features and other Web 2.0 features on the display interface.
This browser is built using Mozilla's Firefox codebase On June 16, 2008, Flock 2 is using Mozilla Firefox 3 as its base, was launched with the open beta.

8. Avant Browser
Avant Browser is a browser that is fast, stable, user-friendly, and is a multiwindow browser.
Indeed engine used is the IE engine. However, Avant Browser has the advantage over IE.

9. Deepnet Explorer
Deepnet Explorer is a web browser, Deepnet Explorer already supports tabbed browsing for multiple pages

10. Phaseout
Phaseout is an Internet browser that allows multiple searches with major search engines with just one click.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Setting Automatic Hibernate on Laptop

Make sure that Hibernate has been active on your laptop, by the way:
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display -> Screen Saver -> Power -> Hibernate, then check the Enable Hibernation.

To do hibernate can be done in several ways, including:
Click the Start button -> Turn Off Computers, and then press the Shift key then the Stand By button will change to Hibernate
Click the Start button -> Turn Off Computers, and then press the U key
Create Shortcut, type C: \ WINDOWS \ system32 \ rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState
for installation of windows other than drive c can use this:
% windir% \ system32 \ rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, SetSuspendState
For the laptop we can set automatically hibernate when you close the LCD Laptop, by:
Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display -> Screen Saver -> Power -> Advanced -> Power Buttons, select the Hibernate on "When I Close the lid of my portable computer"

Monday, April 25, 2011

Tips and Tricks Eradicate the Virus

Eradicate the virus without antivirus? How to do that? Consider
The following general steps in combating the virus:

1. Disable System Restore.

System Restore in Windows allows you to restore configuration
system to a previous configuration. In order for the system has not recovered
back is broken, turn off this feature by right clicking on My
Computer and select Properties. Then select the System Restore tab and
check the Turn off System Restore on All Drives.

2. Turn off the virus.

how, turn off the virus. Usually the virus has
icon of a folder or MS Word document. Use applications such as
Process Explorer, Pocket Killbox, Show Kill Process, The Killer
Machine, and so forth.

3. Restore the registry.

registry that has been tampered with by viruses. If not, then the virus
can infect your computer again. Use Hijack This, Registry
Cleaner, or The Killer Machine. Delete the entry Scheduled
Task created by the virus if present.

4. Delete virus files.

Search facility in Windows to find the virus files.

5. Come up with files that are hidden viruses.

generally not so cruel to remove the documents
us. Usually the files are just hidden. Use
command attrib-s-h <nama_file_anda> in Command Prompt
to bring it back.

6. The last advice for prevention. Be careful when making a transfer
good data via floppy disks, USB Flash Disk, or from the network.
Show hidden files and file extensions in Windows Explorer.
Also, do not easily tempted by the files by name
shake the faith

Fingerprint  Virus

as well as other files, it also has a fingerprint. His name
is CRC32 (Cyclic Redundancy Check). Checksum value
for CRC is unique for each file. Thus we can
identify whether a file is a virus or not by CRC
this. One example of the introduction of antivirus software that uses techniques
This CRC is a WAV which can be downloaded from / download.

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tips Download With RapidShare

Tips for downloading files on request (via FREE ACCOUNT) without having to wait counter time runs out.

It's a little frustrating when we use the FREE access

Download in provided free by RapidShare, there are two things

The most annoying are:

1. Waiting for the counter time is completed (an average of 80 seconds).

2. Limit downloads are limited to free access download.

Okay, a few tips that hopefully helpful and not make

colleagues all wait too long just to download the file

want. All the tips that I give is to use free

Access downloads and some client scripting.



a. Use FIREFOX browser

b. Click / paste the URL of a file to download in RapidShare in your browser.

c. After that you will be asked to choose the "Premium" or "Free" downloads.

d. Click on "Free" download and wait until the timer counter RapidShare displays his

e. No need to wait for the counter timer is finished, clean Address

Bar in Firefox and replace the URL with a little simple javascript code.

javascript: alert (c = 0)

f. After you type the script above in the address bar and press

ENTER and the alert message box will appear in your browser, do not panic,

press OK and survived because the timer counter in your browser is not

RapidShare exists and provides direct links from the file dowload

want to download.

g. Select the download location that will be used (for example:

Cogent-network/Level (3)-network) and type the verification code, then

press the button "Download".

h. If after you press the download button and then there are warning

message box, simply press OK and press the "back" in the browser then

select other networks and press "Download" button.



a. If you have more than 1 internet IP, you can use the alternate IP

b. If you are a dynamic Internet IP / DHCP and its lease time

dynamically, for users of Windows OS, from a command prompt directly

do flush DNS and request a new Internet IP with the IP config.

ipconfig / flushdns

ipconfig / release

ipconfig / renew


dhcpcd ppp0 <- adjust to your internet device.


dhclient ppp0


pump-i ppp0

Once again adjust to your Internet device.

c. The most popular way is to use free proxy list, how to find the uncle GOOGLE.

Use keywords: ": 8080" + ": 3128"

And please check one by one until pegel enter proxy lists.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Laptop Care Tips

Laptop or Notebook bukanlagi goods entering the luxury goods category with a growing flood of laptop products either the official or the manufacturer's production of "laptop cannibal" with varying prices also depend on our pockets of course.
Many of us may only operate the laptop but not knowing how to order a laptop can be treated well and live longer.
Here are some tips on caring for your laptop can practice

Cleaning the "Keyboard"
Keyboar laptop dirty easily, either because of greasy fingers, cigarette ashes, bread crumbs, or dust. Take the brush and brush to the sidelines of a button to remove dirt, or use a portable vacuum cleaner to suck dust there. Clean the surface of the keyboard keys with a cloth soaked in cleaning fluid glass. Use keyboard protector protection to prevent the dirt.

Screen wipe
Do not indiscriminate use liquid cleaners on the screen, use glass cleaner. Spray on soft cloth or cotton, then polish the screen. Do not spray directly on the screen, because it can cause the surface of the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) to be striped. Clean the same direction, for example, from top to bottom or from left to right, and do not push too hard.

Avoid Hot Sun
Do not leave your notebook in the car parked in the sun. Excessive heat in the car can cause damage to the components of the notebook.

Avoiding stroke
Secure sharp objects from around the notebook. Place the protective layer over the keyboard before you close the case, so that the screen was scratched. If you want to travel, enter the notebook on the container / bag that has been available.

Case Cemerlang
Hands dirty and greasy also be the cause of case is no longer shiny. Use nonzat alkaline detergent diluted with water to clean. Can also be a multipurpose cleaner for electronics, which is usually a foam. Spray on soft cloth, then gently rub the surface of the case.

Saving notebook
When you will save a notebook for a long time, you should remove the battery and store in a cool, dry, and air circulates well. Place the silicone gel to prevent mildew. So want to use it again, stun battery by filling and emptying as many as three times in a row.

Avoid Magnetic Field
To protect the existing data on the hard disk, do not place devices that contain magnetic fields / strong electromagnets around the notebook. From these devices producing magnetic fields, for example, speakers are not shielded (unshielded speaker system) or mobile phone. Should you wish to access the Internet using the facility infrared on the phone, put the phone within a distance of about 15 cm from the notebook.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Laptop Of My Own

Working from home every day and night, is borrowed from a laptop is not fun. Especially when it is borrowed back away from you. So for that reason I think it's time to own a laptop. Wish, or the Desktop? PC or Apple Mac? Or maybe one of those palm-held small jobs seem to some, after all, would fit perfectly in my purse.

After careful consideration and deliberation, I'm going full circle and ends up back on the laptop. But where do I start? What are my needs? Well, my company is small, so I do not really need anything high end. Yet! I will use it mainly for writing articles and updating my site. Oh! And maybe a little shopping! And I will be alone with her. Probably!

So take a look online to see what others are buying. And what are the manufacturers of sale. Suddenly, the English language becomes opaque jargon. I really know what I want?

What memory is required? My husband, a programmer, insists that 2 GB is so called. Added to this is the 2.0 TB of storage space decisive! Whatever all this means! I'm not so sure! I fear he may have his own reasons for these specifications ...

Dell has been mentioned, so I go online to browse. After finding one within the budget, which is based on and seems to tick all the boxes, they are suddenly faced with many extras - which are all served by lift.

So I pull the reigns in. Maybe I do not really need a laptop of mine. Maybe my husband so anyway.

Neither a borrower nor a lender - and much of Shakespeare - that seems to work for us ...

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Laptops - Possess Or Not Possess?

I have a laptop from time to time for several years. Because of the independence and accessibility, have simply not been a cost effective solution for business or pleasure. That is, until recently.

Last fall I bought a Dell Inspiron 700m notebook mostly for work. It was the best equipment investment I've made ... and I have five computers in my house. (Note: I am writing this sitting in the passenger seat of our van for the family after a visit from Grandma).

This is not a commercial for Dell. It is on laptops in general and the minimum specifications to look for if you are considering a purchase. Please note, progress is constant, the technology will be obsolete before here. Use this guide as a minimum starting point.

For me, the biggest concern or a problem with a laptop was portability ... Portability means that the battery is needed. You must have a computer with Centrino ™ Mobile Technology. Centrino ™ technology allows my battery to power my laptop up to four hours! Four hours!

With four hours of computer time, you should be able to access the Internet (thanks Al Gore). This is where WiFi comes in. Of course, you want your laptop to have the card and the cable modem for online connections, but it would be an absolute crime if you do not have Wi-Fi capability. Wi-Fi is nothing more than to have a wireless Internet connection, so no cables or plugs for your laptop.

Third, you want a lightweight laptop, you can without compromising the size of the keyboard. This makes it much easier to carry around and you'll move more often.

Fourth, you want a CD / DVD on board and at least two USB ports. CD / DVD allows you to watch movies or important safety information. USB ports let you connect peripherals such as cameras, printers, etc.

Last but not least, the "something else" you need to make your laptop perform as good as his older brother. You want at least 256 MB of RAM (I recommend 512), a 30 GB hard drive (I recommend 60 GB) and a screen and keyboard size that suits you.

Good luck!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Laptop Computers

A laptop is a personal computer that is portable. It may also be called a notebook. A typical laptop different weight 1-3 kg, and typically has an internal battery and power supply. Although most laptops are portable, few can now match the power more expensive, although it is likely that this change in technology continues to advance. The word laptop was introduced in 1983, and has been used to refer to the Gavilan SC.

Despite its name, most computers can not be placed in your lap, if not fall, because they can overheat and burn the skin can also be held against it for a long time. A typical laptop can be powered by a battery and power supply can power the battery when connected to an electrical outlet. laptop can perform many of the same functions as PCs, but remain low. They have the same internal hardware is seen as a Desktop, but are much smaller. Most laptops have a display that uses liquid crystal display.

Most manufacturers have designed their laptops to work with a keyboard and mouse, and also have a touch screen that can be used to move the cursor on the screen. Laptops are available in three varieties, and are based on the size. An ultra-portable laptops usually weigh less than 1.7 kg, while a thin and light notebook will weigh up to 2.8 kg, and a laptop weighing up to size 3, 5 kg. The idea of ​​the notebook existed before the invention of the personal computer, and was first conceived during the 1970's. The first laptop was the Osborne 1 and was released in 1981.

While the Osborne 1 was huge compared to modern laptops, it was revolutionary in its time, because people get to carry data with them, and the computer does not have to leave the place. However, Osborne 1 was so great that they could not operate on battery power. Most laptops today, now uses a lithium ion battery. While computers are a few benefits your desktop counterparts, have some disadvantages. Unlike the desktop, they are limited in their ability to improve. Of this writing, not form factor for laptops, and the cost and technical issues involved so that they are easy to upgrade is not possible.

The only parts of most laptops that can easily be upgraded is the hard disk and RAM. In addition, laptops are expensive to repair if damaged, and are so easy to fly due to its small size. Stolen laptops are a common cause of identity theft. Although use of laptops USB port has been improved to some extent, usually reduces its portability. Historically, the performance of laptops has always been weak when compared to desktop computers in the same price range.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Laptops Come With Hard Drives 1.2 TB

Some companies have succeeded in demonstrating that it is perfectly possible to have 1.2 TB hard drives in the very near future. This is not a well kept secret that the new notebooks come with 1.2 TB hard drives is being reported in many magazines and online zines. This is great news for people who want to find more memory and speed of their laptops. This will allow them to run many programs of high quality and heavy memory applications a much better way.

The laptops are 1.2 TB hard drives will be many more features and power management applications as laptop computers that people are accustomed to using. Although many people use their home computer system solely for their work and leisure, there are a lot more than laptops use both at work and at home, completely replacing their home personal computer as a primary system .

The new laptops come with hard drives 1.2 TB have many more applications for users enjoy their entertainment systems. The capacity of handheld computers to read and easy to store movie files on your hard drive will be even more popular laptops come with 1.2 TB hard drives. For individual computer users, this means that the amount of memory and processing power will be much better and faster than they have in their laptops now.

The goal of these companies is to produce a disc that can be implemented in the same space as the existing hard drives, but offers a much higher level of processing power and storage capacity. The laptops come with 1.2 TB of hard drive will make it much easier for laptop users to run the same kind of memory intensive applications such as computers in the home and office. Being able to work on computer applications in large home on the laptop is a big bonus for many people who do not want to be chained to a territory of their home. Ability of laptops to enable them to work anywhere, is a very popular use.

The possibility of using these high-functioning laptop in situations where once just do not handle well the questions were one of the biggest selling points for businesses looking to upgrade their laptops. Ability of their employees must be able to get the same kind of resources, on the road or out of the office is a very interesting part of this new notification. The possibility of a higher-capacity hard disk in the same space and weight compared to the old computer in many ways to improve the company's software applications.

Some companies that specialize in the creation of complex business software can now use the ability of laptops have larger hard drives as the cornerstone of your target audience. Applications can be as simple as spreadsheets or as complex as computer companies forecast model programs. Most hard drive capacity means that the laptop does not reduce its processing time mainly because of too much data stored on the hard disk. Take long to complete a hard disk drive 1.2 terabytes.

The laptops have dropped significantly in price in recent years, more people started using them in the office and away. The biggest change in the demographic composition of the laptop, however, is that more people are beginning to use their laptops to replace their computers at home. Once the laptops were only used for portability, they have now become so powerful they can do what computers can - and much more. The laptops have screens of today more than before, there was always something that laptop users have complained regarding the larger screens on their personal computers. With larger screens, faster processors and now provides much more hard drives on the horizon, it will not be long before laptops are leading many home systems on computer from the home office.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Origin of the Name In the World Information Technology

1. Adobe
Derived from the word "Adobe Creek" is taken from a river behind the house of founder John Warnock.

2. Apache
The name is derived when its founders to apply the patch to the program code written for NCSA http daemon and the result is "A Patchy" server and then became the apache server.

3. Apple Computers
This name was created when steve was eating apple and gave an Apple Computer company name, it is mainly because there is no single staff who can provide the company name he also gave the company name is up to him.

4. Corel
The name comes from the name of the inventor of Dr. Michael Cowpland.
Corel itself stands Cowpland Research Laboratory.

5. Delphi
The name comes from the name of a city in ancient Greece.

6. Fedora
The name is taken from the type of hat (fedora) worn by men in the Red Hat logo.

7. FreeBSD
The name comes from the acronym for Berkeley Software Distribution.
FreeBSD is the brother of BSD distributions.

8. Firewall
The name comes from a wall that is used by Bomba troops to stop the fire so as not meyebar.

9. Google
The name comes from a joke about the amount of information that can be searched by search engines.
The term is meant is 'Googola', which means the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The inventor of Sergey Brin and Larry Page at the time this project was giving a presentation to investors, they then managed to get funds in check form, addressed to 'Google'.

10. GNU
The name is derived from a species of African antelope and also because the name is suitable for a recursive acronym for 'GNU's Not Unix'.

11. Hotmail
This name originated when Jack Smith got the idea that all people can access email via the web from any computer in the world.
Then Sabeer Bhatia made a business plan that is engaged in mail service and she tried to give the business name ending in 'mail' behind him and that his idea didapatlah hotmail name comes from a web programming language 'HTML' (Hotmail).

12. Internet
The name comes from the Inter-networking acronym meaning International network.

13. Intel
The name comes from the abbreviation INTegrated ELectronics (INTEL).

14. Java
The name comes from the name that a lot of coffee drunk by the Java programmer.

15. Microsoft
The name comes from the abbreviation MICROcomputer SOFTware.

16. Mozilla
The name comes from the abbreviation Mosaic-Killer, Godzilla (Mozilla).

17. Pascal
The name comes from Blaise Pascal, a mathematician and philosophy of the French (17th century).

18. SUN
The name comes from the acronym for Stanford University Network because it was found by 4 students from Stanford University.

19. Ubuntu
The name comes from an African word meaning 'humanity to all' or 'I was shaped by us all'.

20. Yahoo
This name was invented by Jonathan Swift and used in his book "Gulliver's Travels" as meaning a person who is repulsive and acts not like a human.

Reducing the Cost Performance of Your Computer

Computers that we use over time will feel increasingly slow and 'heavy', is due to our computer's performance burden increasingly heavy.
Here's my bit to give some tips to reduce the burden on your computer's performance.

- Step 1
The first step to accelerate the boot via the BIOS.

- Step 2
For Windows XP, start by opening the System Configuration Utility. (Start-> Run-> type "msconfig").
On the BOOT.INI tab, check the "/ NOGUIBOOT", this will shorten the boot time by removing the Windows startup screen.
On the Startup tab, uncheck the services that really are not needed.
On the tab do the same service as in the Startup tab.

- Step 3
This setting can you do if you are concerned with the speed of Windows XP from the graphics or the look of Windows XP.
Resetting this interface can increase the speed.
Go to Control Panel and click System, then select the Advanced tab.
On the Performance click the Settings option, then the Visual Effects tab select "Adjust for Best Performance".

- Step 4
Not using the minimization of the number of desktop wallpaper and icons also can speed up your PC.

- Step 5
Not using Windows Start sound on event can also speed up the boot process.
Go to Control Panel and click on "Sounds and Audio Devices" and select the Sounds tab.
In the Sound scheme select No Sounds.

- Step 6
Reduce the number of fonts that are not so important in your Windows.
because the greater the number of fonts installed will increase your PC's workload.
Windows by default include a number of less than 100 fonts.
Keep the number of fonts installed not more than 150 fonts.

- Step 7
You must diligently to update the driver, because the files are still using the old drivers to slow down your PC.

Protecting Children Online

It 's a sad fact of reality, but children are the victims of computer users on the Internet today. The good news is that some practical steps to help protect children from sexual predators, hackers and other seedy individuals who want to hurt. This article describes some of them.The first step in protecting your children on your computer prevents access to passwords. This prevents them from sharing passwords with others and inadvertently enabling hacking into your system. If you think about it, there is no reason for a requirement of five, seven or even twelve years of knowing the passwords to sensitive areas on the computer unless you have given them permission! In fact, children do not need to know the password used to access the Internet. This can be difficult to write this every time they want to get online, but it is better to know the times that they connect than to see them sneak online without your permission and knowledge of their activities.

The second step toward protecting your children online is to use the whole team. Located next to your child while he or she crosses the Internet, you can guide him or her to make safe and smart. You can approve web sites and bookmarks together. You can follow the conversations of their children with their friends and teach them appropriate online behavior at the same time. You can make recommendations and create a private time for quality time together.

In the third phase, to prevent access to areas totally inadequate. You and your children do not always correspond to what is appropriate, but the custodian of control and you are responsible for their safety. Take time to investigate software tools that can monitor and block access to certain pages. If you use an online service like America Online (AOL), you can use the internal Parental Control settings to block access to chat rooms and various websites. It could also block instant messaging and e-mail by anyone other than a man of AOL users.

Other tools available online operate similar to how AOL parental control settings work, however, no set of tools could replace the reinforcement of mom and dad. Never let your children talk to strangers and never leave them alone in the computer unattended. Children simply do not have experience with adults and lack the necessary skills to handle inappropriate conversations, emails, or images found online.

NOTE: Some of these tools include Web browsers, the child will visit pre-approved sites. Some are browser extensions that do not allow online access to areas that contain forbidden keywords.

Another step requires teaching your children to never volunteer personal information. Under no circumstances should children give their personal names, addresses, phone numbers or information from the school, any Internet user, regardless of the situation. In the even this information is necessary to participate in any contest, be sure that you are the person making the decision to provide it and you're the one doing it.

Perform these steps will not be easy. However, you can help reduce the resistance of its monitoring efforts, explaining why you take these precautions. Young children are likely to enjoy the time you spend together on the computer, but older children and pre-teens may suffer. To help build a case for your concern, you can show your old fairy tales that illustrate some news about the dangers that unsupervised children are exposed. The newspaper is unfortunately full of examples, but with your help, we can reduce worldwide.

Friday, April 8, 2011

All About Virus

What are they and one of the reasons for Make Them

In recent years, computers have become synonymous with the virus and the virus show no sign of abating in the short term. In recent news, reported that "Before the month was conducted in April has set a record for virus emails." 1 In the past, he would feel comfortable in telling new computer users not to worry about viruses and that catching a virus is rare. Today is the worst advice we can give anyone. As mentioned in the computer virus news are endemic and many are extremely worrying. This article describes what are viruses, and then stated in the direction of a rather unique protection and prevention.

In short, a computer virus is a program designed to destroy or steal data. It attacks computers via distribution - often unknowingly - through email attachments, software downloads, and even some sophisticated web scripts. Virus that destroys data are called Trojan horses, viruses that explode their attacks are called bombs, and viruses that duplicate themselves are called worms. Some viruses are a combination of both, but can still be identified, depending on where you are on your computer.

Boot sector viruses on your computer's boot sector virus and this nasty devil does the dirty work the moment you turn on your computer. A virus that attaches itself to (infects) other programs is a file virus and activates when the infection begins. File viruses may also be referred to as parasitic viruses, the virus, but it would work and the boot sector of an infected program, the virus is well known for multilateral virus.

Why viruses exist remains a mystery, but we were aware of the mastermind behind the programmer of the virus, which has explained the reason for his destructive tendencies. Apparently this person has had a profound grudge against the popular online service, which is still untitled. In this sense, the hacker, the online service does high quality work to protect children from online victimization and scrub, has created and spread the virus as many file libraries of this service we can. His intention was to remove the computer, users of the online service is so that they can not compensate for the day. In his view, the loss of connection meant loss of revenue for the network service.

Although the malicious code that generates this person may have worked for a small percentage of users, sufficed to say, the online service continued and still exists today. Despite his motivation or intention, his efforts were null.

We would not be surprised to know whether other motives behind the distribution of viruses similar to this person, but this does not justify the damage that viruses do. Innocent people become pawns for the evil plans of those who have convinced themselves that they "right" thing.

To protect your computer from catching a virus, or clean a virus from a computer system once infected requires the use of an antivirus utility. But maybe something else we can do. Maybe we could make an effort to educate people who want to put the virus in the population on ways to display dissatisfaction with a service or product that does not involve harm to innocents. Thus, we could reduce the number of stories of viruses and protect our own investments the same time.

5 Tips for Buying a Laptop

5 tips for buying a laptop

Buying a laptop is an important investment decision. As such, it does not belong, you should do lightly. Here are five tips to help you prepare to make the best decision and well informed when buying a laptop.

1 Board Size Matters

Buying a laptop is something that requires some thought. Given the size and weight of the laptop. How often do you carry a laptop? Your answers will help determine the size and weight of your needs. If you must carry a laptop is often a lighter model is better.

The keyboard is another area to consider when buying a laptop. Why is the size of the keyboard is important? laptop has a larger area of ​​the keyboard slightly larger. But keep in mind that if you're worried about your fingers or wrists from too much stress on the keyboard, which is too small, you can, this is the most important factor in your decision to buy

Tip No. 2 Choose the mouse

A laptop that comes with built in touchpad, an alternative to the mouse, for which the platform is controlled by the movement of the user's fingers. For some people, this type of platform is cumbersome and not easy to work with them. Before buying a laptop to determine the mouse options are available. Test each and determine which best suits your needs.

Tip No. 3 wireless options

Today, when many people think about the laptop, they think of "wireless". Undoubtedly, people want to make sure that their laptop can use wireless Internet Connectivity. Many seek this regard, ensuring that their computer is able to improve the options, such as space expanded to a PC card or USB. As many laptop users looking for wireless connections, many of today's computers are pre-wired for wireless Internet. All you have to do is turn on the Wi-Fi connection and laptop to take it from there. So, depending on your needs, choose the laptop, it may be extended or if it is already set up for Internet access.

Tip  4 Check for ports

The devices will be connected to your laptop via USB ports. You will make your life much less complicated by ensuring that your computer has enough ports. Connecting devices like printers, scanners and digital cameras will be much easier if you have the ports accessible. If you are unsure, read the specifications of any laptop that you intend to buy.

Tip  5 Make your first budget

Finally, when buying a laptop, remember that you do not overspend. First create budget and stick to it. When you think you found the laptop you want, do not rush things. Wait a day and check your budget, needs and see if it is being so excited about the laptop in the morning when they were selling was showing its specifications. If you still think it's the laptop you want to buy, then go ahead.