Monday, August 1, 2011

Role, Function and Development Motherboard

The motherboard is the Center controller that regulates the work of all the components attached to it, the granting of electrical power on any PC components, data traffic are all governed by the motherboard, ranging from storage devices (hard disks, CD-ROM), data input devices (keyboard, mouse , scanner), or a printer to print.
In the late 1980s and during the decade of the 1990s, to the PC processor market is dominated by Intel. There are several companies processors for PCs, but their influence is far less than Intel. Besides the average processor made them still take Intel's x86 design as well.

Beginning in the late 90's and early 2000, conditions changed. Processor market is no longer so dependent on Intel, because their competitor, AMD, K6-2 processor issue and the Athlon that was able to compete with processors made ​​by Intel.

And in the same year an industry producing chipsets from Taiwan, VIA Technologies, have also been able to make a quality chipset and priced. The motherboard manufacturer is no longer dependent on Intel to design and make their motherboards, so that developments in technology and design of the motherboard has increased very rapidly.
Addition, overclocking fever also contributed a role in the development of the world's motherboards. The motherboard manufacturers vying to remove the motherboard that is designed to provide a high level of overclocking, but still able to maintain system stability. Anyway, if there is a motherboard that can not be used to overclock the processor and memory, then almost certainly the motherboard is not sold in the market.